Tips To Regulate Salt Intake In Your Diet

When we talk about dietary sodium, less is certainly the best.  Diets which are high in sodium have numerous ill-effects and can impact your health in a negative way.  The primary function of salt is to help regulate the level of fluids in your body. This means that there is more water retention, the more salt you intake. One of the most significant changes which occur as a result is a rise in our blood pressure and hence increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. This also leads to kidney damage and even kidney failure over time. While there is a tendency among people to intake more than the required quantity, controlling salt consumption is as important as eating to stay healthy. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you regulate salt intake for a healthier life-

1. Since the whole point is to limit the intake and not cut it off completely from your diet, opting for fresh meat is always better than going for packaged meats. Although the freshly cut pork, chicken or beef is still going to contain a certain amount of sodium, the content is going to be much lesser. Also, avoid refrigerating it for days as this makes the sodium content go high.

2. Fresh fruits and vegetables are also healthier options, not just in terms of sodium but also calories.  These tend to have low salt content.  Even with bread, prefer freshly baked fruit bread and also ask your baker to make it without putting any salt if possible.

3. If buying frozen vegetables is a necessity, look out for labels such as “fresh frozen” and the ones which do not contain any added sauces or seasoning.

4. In case you are skeptical or don’t know much about a product, you can always look out for sodium content on the label. Since even sweet products can sometimes have high sodium content, it is necessary to check for sodium content on every label.

5. Make it a habit to compare different brands until you find the one which is perfect with no or very low sodium content. Hence, instead of going for any regular bread go for sodium free whole wheat bread by spending some time and exploring different options.

6. If you are planning to go out for dining, the best way to check out the ingredients and the quantity is to have a look at their website. Alternatively, you can also request at the restaurant to make your dishes with less sodium and serve the salad without the salt.

While you might find it a bit difficult to switch to the low sodium content diet initially, you will get used to it gradually. Usually, it takes about 6-8 weeks to adjust your taste buds to the lower quantities of salt but once you get used to it, it is going to be very beneficial for you in the long run.
