Essential Foods For A Good Heart

eart disease is among the biggest killers in our country. Unhealthy lifestyle is the number one cause for the same. Studies show that a healthy diet in childhood leads to effective prevention of a heart attack. However, it’s never too late to start healthy eating habits. You may start with switching to whole wheat bread, drinking warm water while starting your day, maintaining portion control etc.
There are certain foods that give you the nutrition you need along with boosting your heart’s health. Add them to your diet in little amounts to get that desired balance.

Whole wheat Bread

Vegatables & More

•Healthy nuts such as almonds and walnuts to satisfy your cravings to munch on something. You may chop them into smaller pieces for a more filling snack.

•Berries such as blueberries, strawberries, raspberries can be incorporated with your cereal or to a bowl of yogurt. Full of heart-healthy phytonutrients and soluble fiber, the dried versions can also make a great snack.

•Flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and phytoestrogens which are essential elements to improve the health of the heart. Flaxseed grounded into a powder can be added to your low carb bread so that you can reap maximum benefits.

•Tofu while being a great substitute for cottage cheese is also good for the heart. Stir fry the same with fresh green veggies.

•Veggies in red, yellow, orange and green are also a must-have to boost your heart’s health. Carrots, Spinach, Red Peppers, acorn, sweet potatoes are loaded with the goodness of carotenoids, vitamins and fiber to help your heart become stronger. Salads, stir-fry veggies, sandwiches – there are many ways to add these to your diet.

Meats, Seafood & Dairy

•Milk, cream, and cheese with reduced fat should be a part of your diet since the counterparts are rich in saturated fats which may cause problems for the heart.

•Yogurt is rich in potassium and has a blood pressure lowering effect, therefore relaxing the heart muscles.

•Salmon is a top source for omega-3 fatty acids, which lowers the amount of triglycerides to reduce the risk of any heart disease. Other options among seafood include trouts, mackerel, red tuna and sardines.

•If you like eggs, include more egg whites while making omelettes to reduce the cholesterol content

•Within red meats, use lean cuts. Trim off as much fat as possible before cooking

•Skinless chicken should be your go-to if you like chicken. Among the cuts, chicken breasts since they are leaner and contain less fat.


•Dark Chocolate (with over 70% cocoa) is an instant mood booster and is good for your heart due to rich content of flavanols

•A little red wine is always welcome. At most a glass of wine, usually around dinner is a good way to relax your heart
