Why is eating healthy so important today?

It is rightly said that health is wealth. A well balanced diet, no doubts lays the foundation of a sound body. The food you eat, directly affects the overall functioning of your body. Eating healthy might not help you prevent every disease, but it can definitely give you the best defense to live a healthy and long life.  It is a habit that can be imbibed gradually with practice.
Food is a fuel that provides energy to your body; hence healthy eating habit is necessary to stay active throughout the day. Including foods such as vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and seeds along with lean protein in your diet chart can help you stay in good shape.  Talking about whole grains, they are rich in fiber which helps in keeping your cholesterol in check. So, do not forget to check out those whole grain bread recipes which are not only yummy but also healthy enough for your body.  With numerous restaurants offering delicious fast food that can make anyone go drooling in no time, eating unhealthy fast food has become an unconscious trend just like checking phone.  This has led to obesity problems along with a number of other health ailments.

Let us look at some of the reasons why eating healthy is so important today:-

1.      Weight Management: - The quantity and quality, both matters when it comes to keeping in good shape. Taking the same amount of calories that you can burn helps you stay fit forever. Calories which are not burned get converted into fat which can lead to obesity. Increased number of fat tissues in your body can increase the risk of ailments such as heart diseases, hypertension, diabetes etc. Hence, keeping a check on your calories is essential.

2.      Overall Health: - Proteins, carbohydrates and fats serve as the building blocks of energy. Healthy nutrients protect and repair your cells while protein helps in rebuilding the injured tissues and boosts your immune system. Calcium and phosphorous makes your bones strong while carbohydrates provide raw energy. Complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables provide a right balance of nutrients and calories whereas some carbs such as white flour and sugar are low in nutrients and high in calories. So next time you want to try one of those bread roll recipes you saw on cookery shows, make sure you use whole grain bread instead of regular wheat bread.

3.      Preventing Diseases: - Obesity is not the only possible cause of triggering diseases. Inadequate nutrients too can contribute significantly to health related problems. For example, inadequate calcium in your diet can lead to bone problems such as osteoporosis. Consuming the right food at right time can help you prevent a lot of diseases. Hence, the famous quote ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’ applies not just to apple but your overall nutrition too which needs to be balanced.
