Simple Tricks To Keep Breads Fresh For Long

We all have doled out a few extra bucks from our pockets, at least once in a while to have a nice loaf of bread. Haven’t we?  Perhaps, we have even experimented a few tricks and tips in order to give that wheat or fruit bread longer shelf life but most often we tend to fail. 

This is a common dilemma that most bread buyers face to preserve optimal taste, texture, and freshness of the bread. Well, maybe this time we can offer you some tried and tested tips and tricks to give your bread a longer shelf life.

Follow them meticulously to have amazing results.

Do not refrigerate 

We all are guilty of preserving those extra loafs of breads in a refrigerator, which can actually degrade the value of butter buns, wheat or fruit bread. Refrigerating the bread causes it to lose moisture and makes the bread stale. Though, it is recommended to preserve it in refrigeration during summertime to avoid staling. 

Preserve it in plastic 

While refrigeration accelerates the process of eliminating moisture from the bread, plastic on the other hand preserves moisture but also makes sure that the bread does not go stale. When wrapped up rightly in a plastic, bread’s shelf life can be extended by at least 2-3 days and that too not at the expense of quality and texture. You can also get one of those plastic zip locks to preserve the bread.

Store it in a bread box

This is one of the most reasonable options to preserve the bread. A bread box is specifically made for balancing humidity and air circulation, so that the bread does not go stale. Though, it is one of the best options to preserve the bread, it is suggested that one does not overfill it as it may cause temperature imbalance. Also, avoid placing it with plastic or paper-bag as it may carry unnecessary moisture that may further dampen the crust of the bread. 

Freezing isn’t bad 

Refrigerating might dampen the bread but freezing the bread might be a better option! Sounds peculiar? Well, icy environment inhibit starch degradation and helps holding the bread stable for a longer duration of time. But before putting it for freezing, it is suggested that you put it in a plastic bag. You can preserve the bread to maximum two days in such a day. After that, it isn’t fit to consume.
